Penetration Testing as a Service - PTaaS

Penetration Testing as a Service – PTaaS

Penetration Testing Service PTaaS (PenetrationTest as a Service), unlike traditional penetration testing, includes security testing and monitoring at agreed intervals, which means Vulnerability Management when scanning infrastructure, troubleshooting software, and issuing recommendations about resolving misconfiguration or other defcienses.

Traditional penetration testing involves assessing a company’s cybersecurity readiness at a specific time, however, as cybersecurity challenges and the overall picture changes day-to-day, so does the company’s cybersecurity requirements. Our offer is to periodically inspect the network and applications after changes in them, to identify possible threats and to resolve them quickly.

The PTaaS service package includes the following systems and services:

  • Web Application Security Monitoring;
  • Network perimeter penetration testing;
  • Network inner perimeter penetration testing.

Web application security testing is probably the most important issue for businesses, since in today’s reality too many companies operate in the electronic space. Consequently, when operating in the electronic space, it becomes necessary to take care of the safety of your own assets and users. We assess the website security based on OWASP methodology and check for problems such as: XSS, XXE (OOB), SQLi, SSRF, SSTI and others. As a result, bitsec will provide you with a detailed report to get information and resolve particular issues facing your organization.

Although most cyber attacks start with so-called “phishing” vectors, monitoring perimeter security is also extremely important. For example, we can consider the challenges of 2020: “SMBGhost”, “Zerologon”, “EternalBlue” through which cybercriminals gained access to systems on the perimeter of the company. In 2020, these vectors were used quite successfully, resulting in large financial losses to various organizations.

The internal perimeter penetration test is intended only to detect security problems with systems located within the company’s internal infrastructure. Problems include both weaknesses and configuration errors. For example: 90% of organizations use Active Directory environment to manage users’ computers. Internal perimeter testing involves our highly qualified specialists checking the configurations in Active Directory (password policy, ACL, etc.) as well as identifying software vulnerabilities.

What you will get when using PTaaS service?

  • Detailed report with recommendations how to resolve the problem;
  • Regular Testing;
  • Permanent connection with bitsec;

Simulation of current modern cyber-attacks in cyberspace.
